Praying In Victory
Why this book is unique

While I was writing this booklet of Scripture Prayers called Praying In Victory, there was a point in time that I became tired of looking up Scriptures, and started looking for short cuts to hurry up the process.

So I went looking for all the books I could find on prayer.

After reading them all I realized none of them helped me. None of them had Scriptures I could use, and none of them explained, How to Pray.

Most books written were about, why you should pray. So I was stuck, I had to finish the book on my own with no help from anything or anyone, and just the Holy Spirit to guide me. There is not another book in the world like this book.

Using only one Scripture

Most of all, I wanted the Scriptures to flow like prayers, and to only use one Scripture, one time to avoid repetition. So for each prayer, throughout the whole booklet, you will only find that certain Scripture once.

Layout of the book

As far as the layout of the booklet, I desired it to be simple and to the point. I paraphrased the sentences so they would only take up one line and still not lose the meaning. This is the format of the original booklet. One Scripture per line. The version I have now was printed in 1994 and the font available at the time made it impossible to for each Scripture to take up only one line. That is why some of the Scriptures are too long and fall into the line below. I would love to return to the original layout.

Memorizing Scripture

I needed help memorizing Scripture. When I was a prayer leader and people asked me to pray for them, I wanted to be able to pray for them from God's Word, and not just speak some meaningless words over them. I wanted to be able to pray what God says about their situation. Creating this booklet has helped me to do just this. Praying for them according to Scripture and in line with God's Will. Just the prayers alone can be read in about 15 minutes, for those people that are always in a hurry.

Special book sizes

The size of Praying In Victory was small enough to fit in the back of the Bible, and I needed it to be affordable even to those who didn't have the money to pay for it. A larger version was made to lay out on a table with a Bible and other books, to study and make notes. The larger version is easier to read, but not so easy to tote around.

Then came a pocket size version, to slip in your pocket and read at your convenience, like, on a walk through the park, sitting in traffic, or waiting in line, or to pass out to others. But the print was so small this version has been discontinued, even though I do still have copies. A extra large print version was made for senior citizens and those in nursing care facilities. These were hard to have printed because of the large paper size and they have to be special ordered.


My desire for Praying In Victory, is that it will go into all the world, especially Third World Countries, and that it will be translated into many different languages. Sometimes it's not so easy to smuggle a Bible into a foreign country, but just one page of this booklet could easily be copied, and then, guess what, someone on the other side of the world will be praying in agreement with you, on this side of the world. God is Good!