How Jesus Came Into My Heart

When we moved to Minnesota in 1981, I knew that the couple that we were moving in with were Christians.

Even though I was not too familiar with Christians, but I did have a run in with them earlier in 1979, and I was not left impressed by them.

I can remember telling my spouse, when we were invited to go and stay in Minnesota, You know they're Christians don't you? I don't remember his response.

Well, my girlfriend Debbie was related to Mike and Jane through marriage, and was staying with them before moving on to North Dakota with her husband.

Every time I would call Debbie, she was always saying, "Praise the Lord," and "Alleluia!" I must admit that this raised a curiosity in me, wondering what in the world she had gotten herself into. Anyway, we moved there so my husband could work in the logging business with Mike.

The Prayer Closet

On more than one occasion while the guys were gone to work, Jane would have a girlfriend show up, and they would disappear into the bathroom and lock the door. This happened even several times at night when the guys were there. And one day I asked her, What are you doing in the bathroom? She replied, Praying. I said, You're praying in the bathroom? She said, Yes. Well, I thought, that is real strange. You see, I was raised Catholic and had never heard of such a thing, and besides, I was kind of miffed because they didn't invite me.

Marriage Problems

Minnesota was a tough place for us to live. I remember lots of cold and snow. It only got above 85° once during the whole summer. We lived about ten minutes south of a small town called Hill City. There was nothing else around us except a bar across the street. I used to frequent it a lot, trying to drowned out my unhappiness, and felt stuck in a relationship that I didn't want. Our marital disagreements were getting more frequent, and one night we got into it at the bar.

Praying the Prayer

I walked home from the bar in tears. Jane said, What's wrong? I told her that we were arguing again. She said to me, Carol, it's just the devil, and we can take care of him right now. She took my hands and said, Repeat this prayer after me. Which I did. I recall that while we prayed she said something about binding the devil. I walked next door to the trailer we had moved onto the property and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

When I woke up the next morning, My first thought was, What happened? What did I do? I vaguely remembered praying with Jane, and I could tell something was different. I dressed and went to Jane's home, and asked her what had happened, she said, You asked Jesus to come into your heart.

I'm not sure where the Bible came from, but she probably gave me one, and I believe I spent the entire day reading it. I think I just started from the beginning. Being a Catholic, I knew about the Bible, but never actually read it. It was always read to me at church.

Anyway I went to bed that night with my mind spinning about the things of the Old Testament.

Continue Reading The Dream about Jesus