Men and Women Think Differently!

What happens in the hallway of the floor plan?

The hallway is where he thinks about other things, comes up with new ideas, new ventures, meets new people, and some of these he may invite to one of his rooms.

For her, it's where she organizes everything she needs to do.

And what about the "open door" to the floor plan? How open-minded are you? It's up to you, you decide what to let into your mind. Some people are close-minded, not open to anything. They stay in their own little world.

So make a mental note ladies, even with the many things that occupy their lives, men only open one door at a time. In other words, they walk in a door and shut it, and can only take care of one room at a time. When he leaves the room, he closes the door behind him.

And gentlemen, help your wives find some Personal time. She's naturally romantic, and romance is the only way you're going to be able to get her immediate attention.

By understanding the concept of the differences in the way men and women think, you can find yourself getting along with each other a lot better. Think about the things I have shared with you, when you're with your spouse. You'll see it's true.